RPIP-46: Universal Adjustable Revenue Split Source

Allow the revenue from borrowed ETH (aka, rETH commission) to be split between fixed targets; the relative split between targets is adjustable.
⚙️ This RPIP is intended to be maintained on an on-going basis.
Requires potentially rpip-45 or rpip-50
Vote Link
Vote Date2024-08-21
Vote ResultPassed
ContributorSckuzzle (@sckuzzle), Knoshua (@knoshua), Samus (@orangesamus), LongForWisdom (@LongForWisdom)

RPIP-46: Universal Adjustable Revenue Split Source

Allow the revenue from borrowed ETH (aka, rETH commission) to be split between fixed targets; the relative split between targets is adjustable.


Currently, the commission determines the payout of revenue split between rETH and each specific minipool. Other parties, such as RPL, gain value indirectly. This proposal allows for splitting revenue between four initial parties: rETH (the main product), node operators (the decentralized operators actually staking), voters (a subset of operators that have vote power), and a surplus revenue mechanism.

This proposal also includes:

  1. A setting controlled by the security council that can mildly increase node operator commission – this can be used to react to market conditions more quickly than the pDAO is able to act
  2. For future use: an allowlist of controllers that may make changes to the settings, which potentially allows for automation


Universal Adjustable Revenue Split (UARS) is motivated by the desire for increased flexibility for the Rocket Pool protocol as the Ethereum ecosystem evolves in the future. It’s critical that the protocol can respond to the actions of other actors as effectively as possible and UARS helps facilitate this. It is also important that the protocol can balance the demand and supply of rETH to encourage sustainable and continuous growth on both sides of this equation.

A fixed percentage of RPL inflation is currently being used to fund ongoing maintenance and development of the Rocket Pool protocol, a valuable RPL token means more bang for the same amount of inflation, and UARS includes multiple mechanisms that support RPL value. Competent and aligned governance will also be necessary as the protocol evolves and UARS facilitates this via directing a share of revenue to holders of vote-eligible RPL.

This RPIP is part of a set of proposals motivated by a desire to rework Rocket Pool’s tokenomics to ensure the protocol’s continued value, development, and longevity. For more details, see the supporting documentation here.


Universal Adjustable Revenue Split

This specification introduces the following pDAO protocol parameters:

Name Type Initial Value Guard Rails
node_operator_commission_share pct 5 reth_commission <= 100%
node_operator_commission_share_council_adder* pct 0 <= max_node_operator_commission_share_council_adder; <= voter_share; reth_commission <= 100%
voter_share pct 9 reth_commission <= 100%
max_node_operator_commission_share_council_adder pct 1
allowlisted_controllers address [] []

* denotes the parameter is updatable by the security council with no delay.

  1. There SHALL be the following defined revenues:
    1. node_operator_commission_share + node_operator_commission_share_council_adder: each node operator receives this percentage of the commission from the borrowed ETH on validators they run. Unlike the remainder of the shares, this is not a protocol revenue (ie, it is not socialized).
    2. voter_share - node_operator_commission_share_council_adder: each node operator receives a share of revenue based on the vote-eligible RPL staked to their megapool. The overall voter share of revenue is based on the setting, and each node operator receives a proportion of that based on vote_eligible_RPL_in_their_megapool / total_vote_eligible_RPL_in_megapools, where vote_eligible_RPL_in_their_megapool is defined as min(1.5*RPL value of megapool bonded_eth, megapool staked rpl).
  2. reth_commission SHALL be defined as the sum of node_operator_commission_share and voter_share
  3. reth_share SHALL be defined as 100% - reth_commission
  4. Distributions of revenue from borrowed ETH MUST respect the defined shares
    1. If shares change between claims, distributions MUST make an effort to account for the different values. For example, a distribution could use a duration-weighted average share. Approximations MAY be used where they significantly reduce complexity and/or costs.
    2. Legacy minipools are an exception and SHALL continue to support earlier distribution methodologies
  5. node_operator_commission_share, node_operator_commission_share_council_adder, and voter_share SHALL be updateable by any address in the allowlisted_controllers array
    1. This functionality SHALL not be used without a separate pDAO vote to enable a controller and add it to the list
  6. The node_operator_commission_share_council_adder setting SHALL be controllable by the security council without requiring a delay
  7. The security council SHOULD increment node_operator_commission_share_council_adder by 0.5% if the deposit pool is over half-full for the majority of a 2-week period with a constant node_operator_commission_share + node_operator_commission_share_council_adder
    1. The security council SHALL NOT otherwise change node_operator_commission_share_council_adder

RPL issuance rewards

  • The proposed_method_share specified in RPIP-30 SHALL no longer be used; instead a new proposed_method_share SHALL be defined as follows:
    • For one node, its node_weight divided by the sum of all node_weight across nodes
    • If staked RPL value in ETH is <=15% borrowed ETH, then:
      node\_weight=100 * staked\_rpl\_value\_in\_eth
    • If staked RPL value in ETH is > 15% borrowed ETH, then:
    node\_weight = (13.6137 + 2 * ln(100*\frac{staked\_rpl\_value\_in\_eth}{borrowed\_eth} - 13)) * borrowed\_eth
    • This value MAY be approximated if necessary
  • All staked RPL SHALL be counted for this purpose (both “legacy staked RPL” and “megapool staked RPL” as defined in RPIP-43)
  • The remainder of RPIP-30 SHALL remain in force

Revenue share vote

Prior to the release of Saturn 1, a ranked-choice vote MUST be held to select a mechanism for revenue share to RPL

  1. The choices SHALL include the state from Saturn 1
  2. The choices SHOULD include RPIP-45: RPL Burn and RPIP-50: RPL LP
    1. The choices SHOULD specify a new share (eg, buy_and_burn_share) with an initial value
    2. The choices SHOULD specify a reduction of other shares (eg, voter_share) to balance the new share
  3. The choices MAY include novel options created for this vote
  4. The selected mechanism MUST be implemented in Saturn 2
  5. If the state from Saturn 1 is chosen, the entirety of the “Implementing the revenue share vote” section below SHALL be deleted

Specification taking effect with Saturn 2

RPL issuance rewards and inflation

  1. Inflation settings SHALL be modified to retain inflation to the DAOs and eliminate inflation to node operators
    1. rpl.inflation.interval.rate SHALL be set to 1000040763630249500 (1.5% per year)
    2. Node operators (rocketClaimNode) allocation SHALL be set to 0%
    3. pDAO (rocketClaimDAO) allocation SHALL be set to 95%
    4. oDAO (rocketClaimTrustedNode) allocation SHALL be set to 5%
  2. There SHALL be no RPL issuance rewards to node operators

Implementing the revenue share vote

For this section, we’ll be writing new_share. When the revenue share vote is passed, that will define the share’s name and this section SHALL be updated.

  1. The following updates SHALL be made in the Universal Adjustable Revenue Split section of the specification above, with the placeholder description filled in:
    1. There SHALL be the following defined shares with settings: node_operator_commission_share, node_operator_commission_share_council_adder, voter_share, new_share
    2. node_operator_commission_share + node_operator_commission_share_council_adder: each node operator receives this percentage of the commission from the borrowed ETH on validators they run. Unlike the remainder of the shares, this is not a protocol revenue (ie, it is not socialized).
    3. voter_share: each node operator receives a share of revenue based on the vote-eligible RPL staked to their megapool. The overall voter share of revenue is based on the setting, and each node operator receives a proportion of that based on vote_eligible_RPL_in_their_megapool/total_vote_eligible_RPL_in_megapools.
    4. new_share - node_operator_commission_share_council_adder: this share of revenue is used to [PLACEHOLDER]
    5. reth_commission SHALL be defined as the sum of node_operator_commission_share, voter_share, and new_share
    6. node_operator_commission_share, node_operator_commission_share_council_adder, and new_share, SHALL be updateable by any address in the allowlisted_controllers array
  2. voter_share SHALL no longer be a pDAO protocol parameter. the pDAO will not be able to vote changes to it and changes will rely on the method described below.
  3. Updating voter_share:
    1. A permissionless function SHALL be available to update voter_share
    2. It MUST revert if it’s been called within the last 45 days
    3. It MUST revert if the total RPL eligible to vote relative to the circulating supply of RPL is between vote_eligible_target_min and vote_eligible_target_max (inclusive)
      1. RPL eligible to vote includes both megapool staked RPL and legacy staked RPL
      2. The circulating supply of RPL is the total supply of RPL minus RPL owned by the protocol (eg, in treasury or an LP as a result of RPIP-50)
    4. If <vote_eligible_target_min of total RPL is eligible to vote and the function succeeds:
      1. voter_share is increased to voter_share * (1+voter_share_relative_step)
      2. new_share is decreased by the difference between the old and new voter_share
        1. If this would reduce new_share below 0%, the function call MUST revert
    5. If >vote_eligible_target_max of total RPL is eligible to vote and the function succeeds:
      1. voter_share is decreased to voter_share / (1+voter_share_relative_step)
      2. new_share is increased by the difference between the old and new voter_share
    6. Because this involves voters modifying voter_share, there is an acknowledged conflict of interest here. As a result, changing this method of “Updating voter_share” SHALL require a supermajority vote with at least 75% of the vote in support of any change.
  4. The pDAO SHALL be able to update voter_share_relative_step, vote_eligible_target_min, and vote_eligible_target_max by vote; however, it SHALL require a supermajority vote with at least 75% of the vote in support of any change.
  5. The initial settings SHALL be:
    1. voter_share_relative_step: 15%
    2. vote_eligible_target_min: 55%
    3. vote_eligible_target_max: 65%

Optional heuristics

Click to expand optional heuristics Once the revenue share vote concludes, one of the two sections below will be obsolete and should be deleted. If appropriate, `new_share` should be replaced with the proper name of the share.

If revenue is shared between rETH, node operators, and vote-eligible RPL

This section reflects some of the thinking at the time this RPIP was drafted. These ideas are explicitly not binding/enforceable, and they may freely change over time/context.

Some abstract guidelines:

  • Consider node_operator_commission_share as a requirement to function. If this is not high enough to attract the supply we need, the protocol is non-functional.
  • Finally, consider voter_share. RPL holders are incentivized to maximize something along the lines of voter_share * rETH_TVL. This means voters will generally have an incentive to make rETH holding attractive.

Some example concrete guidelines:

  • If the node operator queue is continuously over 500 deposits for 2 weeks and the trend is upwards, the pDAO should act to either increase rETH demand or decrease node operator supply. This could use one or more of the following tactics:
    • Eg, rETH demand can be increased by spending more RPL on marketing or partner incentives; that RPL can be sourced by increasing RPL inflation. This is beneficial because it allows targeted intervention to spur rETH demand.
    • Eg, rETH demand can be increased by increasing reth_share alongside a counterbalancing decrease to voter_share
    • Eg, rETH demand can be increased by increasing reth_share and node operator supply can be simultaneously decreased by a counterbalancing decrease to no_share
  • If the node operator queue is continuously over 1000 deposits for 4 weeks and the trend is upwards, the pDAO should take action to decrease the supply of node operators
  • When there are large changes to the system (eg, Saturn 2 release), do note that some volatility is expected and should be considered when acting
  • If we are approaching the self-limits described in RPIP-17, the pDAO should act to limit one or both of rETH demand (via reducing RPL inflation spend on rETH demand and/or lower reth_share) or node operator supply (via lower no_share). This would result in higher voter_share (or lower RPL inflation).

If revenue includes a new_share beyond the above

This section reflects some of the thinking at the time this RPIP was drafted. These ideas are explicitly not binding/enforceable, and they may freely change over time/context. For this section, we’ll be writing new_share.

Some abstract guidelines:

  • Consider node_operator_commission_share as a requirement to function. If this is not high enough to attract the supply we need, the protocol is non-functional.
  • Consider voter_share as a requirement to function. There is a method specified that’s intended to attract governance security effectively, “Implementing the revenue share vote”.
  • Finally, consider new_share. RPL holders are incentivized to maximize something along the lines of (new_share+voter_share) * rETH_TVL. This means voters will generally have an incentive to make rETH holding attractive.

Some example concrete guidelines:

  • If the node operator queue is continuously over 500 deposits for 2 weeks and the trend is upwards, the pDAO should act to either increase rETH demand or decrease node operator supply. This could use one or more of the following tactics:
    • Eg, rETH demand can be increased by spending more RPL on marketing or partner incentives; that RPL can be sourced by increasing RPL inflation. This is beneficial because it allows targeted intervention to spur rETH demand.
    • Eg, rETH demand can be increased by increasing reth_share alongside a counterbalancing decrease to new_share
    • Eg, node operator supply can be decreased by reducing no_share alongside a counterbalancing increase to new_share
    • Eg, rETH demand can be increased by increasing reth_share and node operator supply can be simultaneously decreased by a counterbalancing decrease to no_share
  • If the node operator queue is continuously over 1000 deposits for 4 weeks and the trend is upwards, the pDAO should take action to decrease the supply of node operators
  • When there are large changes to the system (eg, Saturn 2 release), do note that some volatility is expected and should be considered when acting
  • If we are approaching the self-limits described in RPIP-17, the pDAO should act to limit one or both of rETH demand (via reducing RPL inflation spend on rETH demand and/or lower reth_share) or node operator supply (via lower no_share). This would result in higher new_share (or lower RPL inflation).


UARS is meant to enable the protocol to listen to the market and act effectively across the entire protocol. A few details about the reasoning behind the spec:

  • We provide for future automated controller contracts, but do not create any at this time. This is partly because we are fairly naive to the market, and partly in the interest of time to market for the next upgrade.
  • The node_operator_commission_share_council_adder allows for much more rapidly tracking the market, especially when we first start UARS and may be quite far from an appropriate node_operator_commission_share + node_operator_commission_share_council_adder value
    • Due to the low maximum for the adder, the pDAO would need to act to enable much growth in node_operator_commission_share + node_operator_commission_share_council_adder. For example, if the adder is at 1%, the pDAO could vote to set it to 0% and add 1% to node_operator_commission_share. This active pDAO participation ensures that this setting tracks closely to the will of the pDAO.
  • The revenue share vote is intended to allow the main body of the tokenomics to move forward, while allowing more time to get information about our options here before choosing a path

RPL issuance rewards and inflation

As the core value capture is no longer based on a minimum RPL requirement, Saturn 1 removes the minimum to receive RPL issuance rewards. This “cliff” has been an extremely poor piece of UX and anecdotally led to many operators exiting validators. Note that the withdrawal limits are not updated; those had previously aligned with the end of the linear region, and they still do. With Saturn 2, RPL issuance rewards stop entirely. Saturn 1 will continue to provide RPL issuance rewards to help facilitate a smoother transition, but with Saturn 2 the bond curve alone should allow voter share to provide sufficient incentive to stake RPL.

Security Considerations

  • node_operator_commission_share_council_adder is intended to be used in a particular way, but the security council may misuse it in other ways
    • This can be mitigated by setting node_operator_commission_share to the desired value, while setting node_operator_commission_share_council_adder and max_node_operator_commission_share_council_adder to zero, thus disabling the adder functionality
    • The pDAO may also replace the security council if it misuses its power
  • If there is a separate new_share going to all RPL, there is an acknowledged conflict of interest around voters controlling voter_share
    • There is an attempt to mitigate abuse by requiring a supermajority; nonetheless, that still depends on enough well-intentioned voters acting to defend the interests of other groups within the Rocket Pool community
  • Attracting desirable vote-eligible share may not be trivial
    • While we have a heuristic to increase incentives for vote-eligible RPL, it may not move as fast as the market
    • Rocket Pool allows for node operation with a separate RPL and ETH provider; this may limit the desired alignment of the voter
  • Vote-eligibility may not be a strong proxy for “active voters”
    • The incentives are purely for staking vote-eligible RPL, not actual voting
    • It will be important to supervise how much of the vote-eligible RPL is actually voting and/or delegating
      • There was some discussion around incentivizing voting more directly, but (a) they were complicated and (b) there’s a fear that while voting can be incentivized, informed/thoughtful voting cannot

Historic revenue share values

Date Share Settings
(ratified 2024-08-22)
node_operator_commission_share: 5%, voter_share: 9%

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Valdorff, "RPIP-46: Universal Adjustable Revenue Split [LIVING]," Rocket Pool Improvement Proposals, no. 46, March 2024. [Online serial]. Available: https://rpips.rocketpool.net/RPIPs/RPIP-46.