This expense has two parts:

  • Transfer the sum of periods 12, 13, 14, 15 in the IMC amount to make up column below to the IMC
  • Transfer the sum of periods 12, 13, 14, 15 in the GMC amount to make up column below to the GMC


There was a mismatch between the actual budget (in RPIP) and the intent (in vote text) as explained in To get the amounts we “intended” as we shifted from 15% of inflation to 22% of inflation, we can calculate new_share = (old_share*.15)/.22. For the IMC, this gets us 34%, instead of the 27% we’ve been using. For the GMC, this gets us 20.5% instead of the 16% we’ve been using.

This expense compensates the difference during periods affected before the budget was updated.

Period RPL to treasury IMC amount to make up GMC amount to make up
n x x*(.34-.27)=.07x x*(.205-.16)=.045x
12 16123.76 1128.66 725.57
13 16184.22 1132.90 728.29
14 16983.31 1188.83 764.25
15 17046.99 1193.29 767.11
Total - 4643.68 2985.22