RPIP-54: Upgrade Informational - Houston Source

An unoffical community resource to track contents and information about the Houston upgrade.

RPIP-54: Upgrade Informational - Houston Source

An unoffical community resource to track contents and information about the Houston upgrade.


This unofficial community RPIP lists the estimated contents of the Rocket Pool Houston upgrade. This information has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Rocket Pool core development team at this time. This RPIP should be marked as Final once this upgrade has taken place.


The intention of this Living Informational RPIP is to collate the release-relevant information for this upcoming release in a single location for reference. While it is created as a community resource, the hope is for the Rocket Pool core development team to adopt this template and format to communicate about upcoming releases as and when it makes sense for them to do so.

Included RPIPs

Outstanding Discrepancies

#3 RPIP-33 - Recurring Treasury Spend Interval Amount

Per RPIP-33:

Amount Per Interval: The amount of RPL to send per reward interval. Specified as a percentage of RPL rewards the pDAO received in a given interval.

Per the Houston documentation the implementation is for absolute amount of RPL per payment interval, rather than a percentage amount.

Current Status: Outstanding Discrepancy. Coded version may make more sense. Will likely try to resolve via forum sentiment vote to avoid overhead of full pDAO snapshot vote.
Estimated Impact: Medium-Low

Resolved Discrepancies

Click to expand resolved discrepancies

#1 RPIP-31 - Triggering RPL Reward Claims

Per RPIP-31:

As the controller of the RPL for a node, I MUST be able to trigger a claim of RPL rewards

In code, this isn’t absolute and can be prevented by the node operator (less of an issue with v10, but still exists). Should at least be highlighted under Security Considerations.

Further described by Knoshua here.

Current Status: Resolved. Fixed in Houston contracts via hotfix prior to release.
Estimated Impact: Medium

#2 RPIP-31 - Triggering RPL Reward Claims Valid Sources

Per RPIP-31:

If a node’s RPL withdrawal address is set, the call MUST come from one of: the node’s primary withdrawal address, the current RPL withdrawal address, or the node’s address

Per the Houston documentation, only the current RPL withdrawal address is able to claim in the current implementation.

Further described by Knoshua here.

Current Status: Resolved. Fixed in Houston contracts via hotfix prior to release.
Estimated Impact: Medium-Low

#4 RPIP-33 - Security Council Quorum Thresholds

Per RPIP-33:

rocketDAOProtocolSettingsSecurity - security.members.quorum … >= 51% & < 75%

Per the Houston audit, the implemented check is >= 51% and <=75%

Current Status: Resolved. Coded version may make more sense.
Estimated Impact: Very Low

#5 RPIP-33 - Network Submission Frequency Guard

Per RPIP-33:

rocketDAOProtocolSettingsNetwork - network.submit.balances.frequency … > 1 hour

Per the Houston audit, the implemented check is >= 1 hour.

Current Status: Resolved. Coded version may make more sense.
Estimated Impact: Very Low

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LongForWisdom, "RPIP-54: Upgrade Informational - Houston," Rocket Pool Improvement Proposals, no. 54, May 2024. [Online serial]. Available: https://rpips.rocketpool.net/RPIPs/rpip-54.