RPIP-51: Current Rewards Tree Specification Source

Specifies how RPL Inflation and Smoothing Pool rewards are allocated to node operators
AuthorRamana Kumar, Joe Clapis

RPIP-51: Current Rewards Tree Specification Source

Specifies how RPL Inflation and Smoothing Pool rewards are allocated to node operators


This RPIP describes the current state of the specification of the Rocket Pool rewards system (first introduced in Redstone) for node operators, wherein ETH and RPL rewards are allocated at regular intervals to staking nodes.


Rocket Pool’s allocation of rewards to node operators needs a clear specification that can be independently implemented and verified so that node operators know what to expect and are able to verify reward allocations.

The rewards tree specification is currently developed in the external Rocket Pool Research repository. Development there began before the RPIP process was created. However, since this is a core protocol specification, its proper home is as an RPIP where it can be easily found and referred to with a clear status as an official definition of (part of) the Rocket Pool protocol. This RPIP is an informational document describing the status quo, with the intention of following up with a future pDAO-ratified RPIP (which may or may not include changes).


The technical specification (v8 in particular) taken from the external research repository is attached as the following assets:


This specification describes what is actually implemented and used by Rocket Pool as of April 2024 (that is, for rewards interval 21).

Reference Implementation

This specification (Rewards Calculation v8) is implemented by Treegen, which is the reference implementation. It is also implemented by Rockettree.

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Ramana Kumar, Joe Clapis, "RPIP-51: Current Rewards Tree Specification," Rocket Pool Improvement Proposals, no. 51, April 2024. [Online serial]. Available: https://rpips.rocketpool.net/RPIPs/rpip-51.