RPIP-29: GMC Grants, Bounties, Retrospective Awards Ledger Source

This file records current grants, current bounties, current retrospective awards, past grants, past bounties, and past retrospective awards.
⚙️ This RPIP is intended to be maintained on an on-going basis.
Requires 18, 40

RPIP-29: GMC Grants, Bounties, Retrospective Awards Ledger Source

This file records current grants, current bounties, current retrospective awards, past grants, past bounties, and past retrospective awards.


This file records current grants, current bounties, current retrospective awards, past grants, past bounties, and past retrospective awards.


This RPIP allows the community to view available bounties, as well as check the status of other current awards and past awards.


This file SHALL be updated monthly in tandem with the GMC treasury update DAO post.

Open Bounties

Bounty Award Code Bounty Title Date of Award Proposer Total Bounty Amount RPL Value at Time of Award Other Details Bounty Coordinator Any Current Submissions?
BA012301 FAQ document February 1, 2023 Valdorff 53 $38 Answers must be provided in both article / doc page PR form; pot can be refreshed by GMC if it runs low - idea was $100/answer Joe
BA022306 Node Operator FAQs doc April 3, 2023 jcrtp 2 $47 Joe
BA022307 Liquid Stakers FAQs doc April 3, 2023 jcrtp 2 $47 Joe
BA022310 RocketArb for Closes April 3, 2023 jcrtp 100 $47 Joe
BA032305 Bounty Writing August 1, 2023 Valdorff 3 per submission N/A ShfRyn
BA062302 RPIP Review November 27, 2023 ShfRyn 192.31 $26 ShfRyn
BA062304 RP Scorecard November 27, 2023 Valdorff 576.92 $26 ShfRyn Anthias completed milestone 1
BA082401 EigenLayer Integration February 12, 2024 jasper 2666.67 $30 link ShfRyn, jasper
BA082402 Non-Custodial Staking As A Service February 12, 2024 Valdorff 2000 $30 ShfRyn, Valdorff Milestone A has been claimed by both team ramana, and NeverAnIsland link
BA082403 Treegen Testing Support February 12, 2024 Valdorff 100 $30 2 specs. $1500 each ShfRyn
BA092402 Patches Work March 14, 2024 Patches 62.07 $29 ShfRyn Milestone A, C, and D complete. Milestone B in progress. link
BA092403 Slashing Mitigator April 12, 2024 epineph 48.39 $31 ShfRyn, epineph
BA112404 Support Template FAQ Integration May 10, 2024 GovAlpha 333.33 $21 ShfRyn, GovAlpha
BA122401 Support Payments June 10, 2024 epineph $36,000 N/A ShfRyn, epineph
BA122402 Smart Node UI Wireframes June 10, 2024 Patches $2,000 N/A Patches
BA122403 Smart Node v2 HTTP API OpenAPI 3 spec and codegen June 10, 2024 Patches $3,500 N/A Patches

Ongoing Grants

Grant Award Code Applicant(s) Payment Address Grant Title GMC Liaison Date of Award RPL Value at Time of Award Amount Awarded Amount Yet to Receive Last Paid Pay structure
GA012321 ken smithkenn.eth Forced Withdrawals research paper ShfRyn February 15, 2023 $38 395 395
GA022303 killjoy address UPS Grafana Integration ShfRyn April 17, 2023 $47 15 15 15 upon completion
GA032310 ramana & lutro StakingPond ShfRyn August 15, 2023 $30 350 350 $7,500 (250 ) + $3,000 (100 ) for stretch goals
GA032303 ramana & LIBC Rocket Split ShfRyn September 10, 2023 N/A 760 380 Jan 15
GA042307 zahary address Trustless Oracle ShfRyn October 8, 2023 $21 2381 1825.44 Oct 23 5 x $10,000 milestones
GA042305 arbora address Rocket School ShfRyn October 8, 2023 $21 476 156.87 Jan 15 3 x $3,333 milestones
GA042306 NonFungibleYokem address RocketMEVMonitor ShfRyn October 8, 2023 $21 414 414 $5000 after completion of Milestone 2. $200 per cycle to cover ongoing cloud storage hosting and maintenance costs for 6 cycles. ($1200 total) $2500 for completion of the stretch goal milestone.
GA062301 ramana RocketPerf ShfRyn December 11, 2023 $26 230.77 230.77 $500 (19.23 ) for mockup, $4,500 (173.08 ) for launched product + $1,000 (38.46 )after a year of maintenance
GA082404 Waq address Rocket Fuel ShfRyn February 12, 2024 $30 1333.33 444.45 Apr 15 $6666.66 (222.22) a month/6 months
GA082408 Ken smithkenn.eth Twitter Spaces (Ken) ShfRyn February 12, 2024 $30 120 48 Apr 15 $540 (18) a month/6 months
GA082411 jasper jasperthefriendlyghost.eth Twitter Spaces (jasper) ShfRyn February 12, 2024 $30 120 48 Apr 15 $540 (18) a month/6 months
GA082402 Patches address Rescue Node ShfRyn February 12, 2024 $30 140 46.68 Apr 15 $700 (23.33) a month/6 months
GA092405 ShfRyn gmc.shfryn.eth ShfRyn’s POAPs Marketing Subcommittee March 10, 2024 $29 103.45 51.73 Apr 15 $500 (17.24) a month/6 months
GA092404 Dr Doofus address Merchandise Store ShfRyn March 10, 2024 $29 293.1 293.1 $6500 for milestone 1, $2000 goes to the party that completes milestone 2
GA092406 Pat address The Weekly Orbit ShfRyn March 10, 2024 $29 269 134.51 Apr 15 $1300 (44.83) a month/6 months
GA112405 Patches Team Partnership - Patches GMC, Langers May 10, 2024 $21 $104,000 $104,000 Patches will be paid $100/hr, up to $17,333.33 per month. LUSD
GA112402 Josh Rosenblatt Estate Planning ShfRyn, Research Committee May 10, 2024 $21 104.76 104.76 $2,200 (104.76) upon completion
GA112401 ShfRyn Summit Program Marketing Subcommittee May 10, 2024 $21 142.86 142.86
GA122401 FlatMoney rETH on Base Marketing Subcommittee June 10, 2024 N/A $15,000 $15,000
GA122401 beaconcha.in beaconcha.in Advertising Renewal ShfRyn June 10, 2024 N/A $6,000 $6,000

Completed Bounties

Bounty Award Code Bounty Title Date of Award Proposer Amount Value at time of award Payment Address Date Bounty Awarded Awardees Etherscan TX
BA022303 Treegen Testing Support April 17, 2023 Valdorff 32 $47 ramana.eth August 16, 2023 ramana transaction
BA022304 Hybrid Grafana docs April 17, 2023 jcrtp 10 $47 shufro.eth September 19, 2023 Patches transaction
BA022314 GMC Administrator April 17, 2023 Calurduran 80 $47 shfryn.eth June 10, 2023 ShfRyn transaction
BA032304 MEV Theft Reporting August 15, 2023 Valdorff $972 $18 valdorff.eth ramana.eth mevmonitor.eth address October 18, 2023 Valdorff, ramana, Non Fungible Yokem, knoshua transaction
BA032303 Update RP documentation / website August 15, 2023 Valdorff 34.48 $29 address November 16, 2023 harpocryptes transaction
BA052302 Improve LST Dashboard October 27, 2023 Valdorff 21.74 $23 valdorff.eth titey.eth February 15, 2024 titey.eth, Valdorff transaction
BA052301 Treegen Testing Support October 27, 2023 Valdorff 130.44 $23 ramana.eth February 15, 2024 ramana transaction
BA072301 Rapid Research Incubator December 29, 2023 epineph 312.5 $32 tithe.valdorff.eth orangesamus.eth address address address address address February 15, 2024 Valdorff, samus, luominx, ArtDemocrat, DagoDuck, NeverAnIsland transaction
BA022305 Native Grafana docs April 3, 2023 jcrtp 10 $47 address April 15, 2024 frenchu transaction
BA022308 Support Notif. for Smartnode April 3, 2023 jcrtp 215 $47 activescott.eth April 15, 2024 activescott transaction

Completed Grants

Grant Award Code Grant Title Date of Award Applicant(s) Payment Address Total Amount Dispersed Amount At Time Of Award Date of Last Disbursement # Months Over Which Disbursed Etherscan TX
GA012319 KlimaDAO February 15, 2023 json address 47 $38 February 19, 2023 1 transaction and transaction
GA012312 Rocket BUIDLers workshop February 15, 2023 fornax address 106 $38 February 21, 2023 1 transaction
GA012303 DeFi Opportunities Page February 15, 2023 Valdorff address 16 $38 March 27, 2023 1 transaction
GA012318 Korean translation of Jasper’s work February 15, 2023 deukey address 14 $38 March 27, 2023 1 transaction
GA012308 Subgraph update February 15, 2023 DataNexus address 231 $38 May 17, 2023 1 transaction
GA022312 POAP design & distributions April 17, 2023 ShfRyn shfryn.eth 11 $47 June 23, 2023 1 transaction
GA012302 Rescue Node February 15, 2023 Patches address 419 $38 July 16, 2023 6 transaction
GA012305 Rocket Fuel February 15, 2023 Waq address 579 $38 July 16, 2023 6 transaction
GA012315 Alphaday dashboard February 15, 2023 paris address 53 $38 September 19, 2023 6 transaction
GA022301 DeFi Opportunities Page April 17, 2023 KentPhilly (formerly Valdorff) opensourceventures.eth 28 $47 October 18, 2023 6 transaction
GA032302 Renewal: Rescue Node August 15, 2023 Patches address 180 $30 January 15, 2024 6 transaction
GA032306 Twitter Spaces August 15, 2023 jasper jasperthefriendlyghost.eth 108 $30 January 15, 2024 6 transaction
GA032307 Rocket Fuel August 15, 2023 Waq address 1200 $30 January 15, 2024 6 transaction
GA032316 Twitter Spaces August 15, 2023 Ken smithkenn.eth 108 $30 January 15, 2024 6 transaction
GA042301 Node Operator Research October 8, 2023 OpenUX address 1586 $21 January 15, 2024 1 transaction
GA012306 oDAO Analysis February 15, 2023 knoshua address 573 $38 January 15, 2024 3 transaction
GA032304 Shf’s POAPs August 15, 2023 ShfRyn shfryn.eth 100 $30 February 15, 2024 6 transaction
GA042303 Rocket Pool Videos October 8, 2023 SheNodes address 71 $21 February 15, 2024 2 transaction
GA032313 The Weekly Orbit August 15, 2023 Pat address 234 $30 February 15, 2024 6 transaction
GA032308 Rocket Pool University August 15, 2023 Dr Doofus address 300 $30 March 14, 2024 1 transaction
GA062302 rETH Stake Quest December 11, 2023 Bankless DAO address 692.31 $26 March 14, 2024 1 transaction
GA102403 POAP Raffles Apr 12, 2024 ShfRyn address 67.74 $31 April 15, 2024 1 transaction
GA102402 Sleety Graphic Design Apr 12, 2024 Sleety address 12.9 $31 April 15, 2024 1 transaction
GA082410 Denver Lift-Off February 12, 2024 Ken smithkenn.eth 1064.3 $30 April 15, 2024 2 transaction
GA092403 beaconcha.in advertising March 10, 2024 beaconcha.in address 6000 LUSD $29 May 15, 2024 2 transaction

Completed Retrospective Awards

Retrospective Award Code Award Title Date of Award Awardee(s) Payment Address Total Amount Paid Etherscan TX
RA012301 RocketArb February 15, 2023 ramana ramana.eth 197.92 transaction and transaction
RA012302 Beaconcha.in Integration February 15, 2023 Butta beaconchain.eth 703.41 transaction and transaction
RA012303 Prior Rocket Fuel work February 15, 2023 waq address 918.42 transaction and transaction
RA012304 Smartnode February 15, 2023 0xFornax address 169.45 transaction and transaction
RA012305 Queue clearing contract + gas February 15, 2023 peteris rocketscan.eth 52.68 transaction and transaction
RA012306 Rocketscan February 15, 2023 peteris rocketscan.eth 968.85 transaction and transaction
RA012307 Business development February 15, 2023 jasper jasperthefriendlyghost.eth 1249.36 transaction and transaction
RA012309 RPL-bot February 15, 2023 vacalaranja vacalaranja.eth 263.42 transaction and transaction
RA012310 OP grant proposal February 15, 2023 halzen halzen.eth 103.95 transaction and transaction
RA012311 Smoothing pool research paper February 15, 2023 ken smithkenn.eth 253.46 transaction and transaction
RA012312 LEB research paper February 15, 2023 ken smithkenn.eth 525.42 transaction and transaction
RA012313 Discord support February 15, 2023 patches address 2,624.27 transaction and transaction
RA012314 Discord support February 15, 2023 objectObject objectobject.eth 693.45 transaction and transaction
RA012315 Rocketpool.community February 15, 2023 hannibu hanniabu.eth 103.95 transaction and transaction
RA022301 RocketArb Part 2 April 17, 2023 ramana ramana.eth 204.35 transaction
RA022302 Governance Facilitation April 17, 2023 Valdorff valdorff.eth 204.35 transaction
RA022303 IMC Work April 17, 2023 Valdorff valdorff.eth 212.52 transaction
RA022304 Migration Edge Cases April 17, 2023 knoshua address 108.30 transaction
RA022305 poap template April 17, 2023 shfryn shfryn.eth 18.39 transaction
RA022306 LEB research April 17, 2023 Valdorff valdorff.eth 343.30 transaction
RA022307 Rocket Watch April 17, 2023 invis vault.0xinvis.eth 1,741.04 transaction
RA022308 Rocket Arb x AllNodes April 17, 2023 landakram and ramana ramana.eth and address 44.96 transaction
RA022309 odao guessing website April 17, 2023 Hodja 0xhodja.eth 22.48 transaction
RA022310 Treegen spec support April 17, 2023 peteris rocketscan.eth 196.17 transaction
RA022313 Smartnode Contributions April 17, 2023 Fornax 0xfornax.eth 130.78 transaction
RA022314 Work on #support April 17, 2023 Fornax 0xfornax.eth 651.87 transaction
RA032301 Rocket Sweep August 15, 2023 dmccartney dmccartney.eth 43.49 transaction
RA032302 rETH Slippage for IMC August 15, 2023 ramana ramana.eth 54.35 transaction
RA032303 Governance Facilitation August 15, 2023 Valdorff valdorff.eth 100.00 transaction
RA032304 IMC Work August 15, 2023 Valdorff valdorff.eth 221.74 transaction
RA032306 RocketWatch Part 2 August 15, 2023 invis vault.0xinvis.eth 1,739.14 transaction
RA032307 The Weekly Orbit August 15, 2023 Pat, Waq address and address 140.87 transaction
RA022312 ETH Denver Volunteers April 17, 2023 ETH Denver Volunteers list of addresses and neurounique.eth 627.44 transaction
RA042301 GMC Admin October 8, 2023 ShfRyn shfryn.eth 744 transaction
RA042302 GMC Startup October 8, 2023 Calurduran 1stman.eth 533.00 transaction
RA042303 oDao Charter October 8, 2023 Valdorff valdorff.eth 1,586.00 transaction
RA042304 Nexus Mutual October 8, 2023 uisce uisce.eth 424.00 transaction
RA042305 Stake RocketPool Videos October 8, 2023 KentPhilly opensourceventures.eth 71.00 transaction
RA042306 DeFi Rates October 8, 2023 KentPhilly opensourceventures.eth 12.00 transaction
RA052302 RPIP-4 Proofreading November 10, 2023 a35u address 14.35 transaction
RA062301 Staking Dashboard December 11, 2023 hildobby hildobby.eth 115.39 transaction
RA062303 Worm’s Dune Work December 11, 2023 Dr. Worm drworm.eth 211.54 transaction
RA062304 Val’s Dune Work December 11, 2023 Valdorff valdorff.eth 115.39 transaction
RA062302 RPIP Portal Revamp December 11, 2023 GovAlpha govalpha.eth 8001 LUSD transaction
RA072306 RPL DeFi January 12, 2024 KentPhilly opensourceventures.eth 37.50 transaction
RA072301 Rocket Watch / TVL Collateral January 12, 2024 Patches address 18.75 transaction
RA072302 RPIP-30 Review Trees January 12, 2024 Patches address 31.25 transaction
RA072306 Smartnode Rescue Node Addon January 12, 2024 Patches address 6.25 transaction
RA072308 Smartnode Maintenance Disk Full January 12, 2024 Patches address 3.13 transaction
RA072310 IPFS CID Calculator January 12, 2024 Patches address 7.81 transaction
RA072304 Treegen Spec Proposal January 12, 2024 Patches, Valdorff, ramana, knoshua address valdorff.eth ramana.eth 0x3D6388CEEc2855875893Fcd46046fA22697796Cc 37.50 transaction
RA072307 Governance Facilitation January 12, 2024 Valdorff valdorff.eth 61.25 transaction
RA072311 RP Book January 12, 2024 Patches address 31.25 transaction
RA072305 RPIP-36 Membership Record January 12, 2024 GovAlpha govalpha.eth 800 LUSD transaction
RA082403 MISC Work February 15, 2024 Patches address 31.47 transaction
RA082404 Treegen Work February 15, 2024 Patches address 16.00 transaction
RA082405 CID Work February 15, 2024 Patches address 13.33 transaction
RA082402 RPL Staking Rework February 15, 2024 Valdorff, knoshua, epineph, sckuzzle, Pieter tithe.valdorff.eth address rydia.eth address address 266.67 transaction
RA082401 MC Gas Reimbursement February 15, 2024 GMC, and IMC Executors list of addresses 60.17 transaction
RA092301 ethstaker.tax March 15, 2024 eth2353 list of addresses 344.83 transaction
RA092302 RPL DeFi March 15, 2024 regexbuster regexbuster.eth 8.62 transaction
RA092404 Rapid Research Review March 15, 2024 Langers, LongForWisom, knoshua, Kane, Ken address, address, address, smithkenn.eth, govalpha.eth 230 transaction
RA102404 Support Work - haloooloolo April 15, 2024 haloooloolo haloooloolo.eth 581.00 transaction
RA102405 Rocket Scrape April 15, 2024 haloooloolo haloooloolo.eth 97.00 transaction
RA102408 Support Work - dEEtoo April 15, 2024 dEEtooo deetoo.eth 949.00 transaction
RA102408 Support Work - Poupas April 15, 2024 Poupas poupas.eth 798.00 transaction
RA102408 Support Work - lilac April 15, 2024 lilac lilacdrive.eth 473.23 transaction
RA102402 Patches MISC April 15, 2024 Patches address 18.00 transaction
RA102403 Rocket Rescue Node April 15, 2024 Patches address 310.00 transaction
RA102407 Blockies April 15, 2024 ramana ramana.eth 26.00 transaction
RA102401 YouTube Videos April 15, 2024 Leighm.eth leighm.eth 68.00 transaction
RA102410 DeFi Rates April 15, 2024 regexbuster regexbuster.eth 3.00 transaction
RA102409 ETH Denver Housing April 15, 2024 LIBC address 58.00 transaction
RA102406 Bounty Revamp April 15, 2024 GovAlpha address 20000 LUSD transaction
RA112402 Support - Leighm.eth May 15, 2024 leighm.eth leighm.eth 402.90 transaction
RA112403 Treasury Work May 15, 2024 vacalaranja.eth vacalaranja.eth 121.43 transaction
RA112404 Reddit Support May 15, 2024 deetoo.eth deetoo.eth 238.10 transaction

Withdrawn Grants and Expired Bounties

View withdrawn grants and expired bounties on the GMC Treasury sheet.

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


ShfRyn, "RPIP-29: GMC Grants, Bounties, Retrospective Awards Ledger [LIVING]," Rocket Pool Improvement Proposals, no. 29, July 2023. [Online serial]. Available: https://rpips.rocketpool.net/RPIPs/rpip-29.